This is classified, top-secret governmental information. If you are reading this, please stop.
You were warned. 

There is a story that there was a young man who met a young woman vacationing in Praia, and they fell in love over the two week vacation. The boy decided to come back to the SB with the girl, but accidentally ordered the wrong flight tickets and got a flight an hour and a half after the girl. The girl safely made it to the SB, but the boy's plane crashed somewhere in the South Atlantic and was never seen again. 
It is unknown who the girl is, or if she is even alive. Certain sources believe that she is in Etaka, Norka, trying to forget her devastating past. She only fell in love once, and can never be happy again. 

She is good at acting, however, because she doesn't want anyone to know who she really is. Everyone slips up, though, but the government cannot find anyone who seems suspicious. 
The girl is the only one who can calm the hurricane master, because it is believed that the hurricane master is the one and only person she loved. 

If only we could find her. 


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