Personal File: Isabelle Lisoba

Name: Isabelle Nothing Lisoba

Date of Birth: July 21, 1998

Age (as of November 25, 2020): 22

Country of origin: Benin

Previous accounted criminal offenses: 0

Previous files of the SB Crime database: 2

Romantic Interests: Was dating Dennis in The Sometimes Era, and was said in a Sometimes magazine to be dating Rennis Recycling (later), was said to have liked Caston for a short period of time, but is single now. 
Friends: Everyone
Enemies: no one

Isabelle (who prefers to be called Izzy) will not tell our accounting officials anything about her past life. All we know is that she was born in Benin. Izzy was mentioned in The Sometimes multiple times, and was rumored to be Mrs. Incognito after the era had passed. She was married to Dennis, and had a child, Chelsea. The divorced each other, however, there is no record of that in our files. This was an ongoing thing: Izzy loved him then hated him. Izzy has always been one of the less popular ones in the popularity list, which leads some to believe she might have a motive to kidnap Lilyann, because Lily was the most popular. Izzy was mentioned in magazines during The Sometimes Era, but now she is less heard of. Recently, she decided to go onto Blogger, to begin to get more popular. She was invited to Rennis's blogs, but there is still little known about her. 

Izzy is featured in:

Blogs She Created


External Links

Izzy does not like pictures taken of her, so we had to use ones we already had from The Sometimes Era. 

** Mentioned briefly when Rennis said "I got two girlfriends and a mansion."


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