
Showing posts from October, 2020

Izzy and Dennis's Marriage Certificate

  Izzy and Dennis got married on June 10, 2020. Their witness was Lilyann Beckett. No unusual sightings were reported.  Carson D'Vayne

Personal File: Monica Salice

Name: Monica Eromi Salice Date of Birth: circ. November 2, 1997 Age (as of October 22, 2020): 22 Country of origin: Unknown Previous criminal offenses: 0 Romantic interests: Previously Rennis Friends: Audrina, Amelia, Rennis, Carson, Caston, Izzy, Iz Girl Enemies: None  Bio: Monica Eromi Salice was born somewhere around November of 1997, although sources cannot confirm this information. Sources believed she went to Colombo International School for her elementary years, but later moved to Tegucigalpa. Monica did not approve or deny any of this information. She came to the Sea Bank in late August of 2020, and helped to transfer the magazine-making business Lilyann had left behind into the world-renowned Hate Blog. She is the owner of The Sometimes and all subsidiaries, and starred in many of Audrina Chalbany's livestreams, as well as some Norka Three Minute News episodes.  Monica helped create... Mrs. Incognito's Hate Blog Monica starred in... Shows  🔴 LIVE NOW 🔴 Our...

Rennis Suspension Office Quiz 2

Rennis took his second Suspension Office quiz on Oct 20 11:41 AM. He got 100% correct. He used his first one to cheat, but he was still granted permission to be an assistant suspender. Sources say that he may go on to become Chief Suspender of the district.  Suspension office quiz Amelia Rostene

Rennis Suspension Office quiz 1

Rennis took the first suspension office quiz on Oct 20, 11:38 AM. His score was 75%.  Suspension Office Quiz Amelia Rostene

Personal File: Lilyann Beckett

  Name: Lilyann Cory Beckett Date of Birth: March 15, 2001 Age (as of October 18, 2020): 19 Country of origin: Philippines Previous criminal offenses: 0 Romantic interests: Carson, previously Caston and Tallinn Friends: Audrina, Amelia, Rennis, Carson Enemies: Caston, Tallinn Bio:  Lilyann Beckett was born in Manila in 2001, but later moved to Norka when she was six because her father got a job offer. In March of 2020, Lilyann started the company The Sometimes with her friends, Audrina Chalbany and Amelia Rostene. Later, when Rennis Recycling arrived, she helped him become less destructive, although it is unknown if it actually worked. Dennis Baxter-Gphangez Selcsum-Gnorts, Izzy Johnson, Rennis Recycling, Caston Haneslon D'Vayne and Carson Jamesron D'Vayne joined The Sometimes in March, and Lilyann fell in love with Carson. The business would produce numerous The Sometimes magazines, along with many subsidiaries, such as LOL Weekly and Daily Dose of Drama. Lilyann helped Izzy ...